I’m a 20-something with an appetite for the international.  Watch me experience food and fitness in foreign settings.

I run, dance, practice Pilates, lift weights, attend gym group exercise classes, bicycle, backpack, hike and walk.  I love to cook food and feed people.  I make food that is unpredictable and may be French, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, excessively-healthy, indulgent, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, or omnivorous.

In six months, I will be living in another country.  This blog will chronicle my efforts to adjust my life and style to a wholly unfamiliar setting.

I currently live in a country that is not the United States.  It is a third-world country.  That means ingredients readily available in civilized countries are not available here.  Kale?  Dream on.  Walnuts?  If you’re a billionaire.  So my daily life includes many challenges unknown to residents of civilization.  Herein, I chronicle how I overcome those challenges with grace and dignity and only a bit of stomping and muttering.

Expect to see recipes, workout tips and recaps, and general advice on and experiences from living in the Third World and still having a life.  Expect to read complaints, rants, sarcasm and the occasional compliment to my surroundings.  I do not enjoy living here, but I have my own worthwhile (and private) reasons for doing so.  I realize some people think that even this country technically counts as civilization.  I disagree with those people.  However, I welcome those people to freely express their opinions.  On their own blog.


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